Test Stations PVEK and LIDER are aimed to control the parameters of electrochemical protection systems, commutation of the measurement and power circuits and to label the routes of metallic pipelines and other underground utilities, metal facilities.
PVEK consists of a three- or four-edged plastic fire and atmosphere resistant post. Information is written on the outer surface of the Station.
Test Stations are manufactured in white. The colors of some Stations’ elements depend on the type of a controlled pipeline. A signaling cap on top of the device is blue for the pipelines used for mining works, yellow for main pipelines, green for the pipelines used for underground storage, and the cap at the test stationis at the gas pipelines (gas distribution pipelines) is red.
KIPs can be of four types. Type 1 is mounted on a linear part of a pipeline, Type 2 is for the linear part of the pipeline and on the industrial sites, Type 2B “had disk drive” with a popout upper part is for the industrial sites, Type 3 is mounted directly on the pipelines.
To upgrade its features, the Post KIP PVEK can be equipped with the Shared Protection Stations BSZ, Protection Grounding Devices UZZ, Electrical Insulating Shared Protection Device UZ, Gas Leakage Control Device UKG, Switching Device UK, Grounding Anode Control Device, Lead Wires and Anodes KAZ-М, Anode Current Adjustment and Control Unit RКТ, Corrosion Monitoring Station BKM. The Station can also be improved with a milepost PVEK-1 (for Type 1 Posts), PVEK-2 (for Type 2, 2B, 3 Posts) and other options.
KIP LIDER is EHZ-CENTER manufactured equipment. A device enclosed in an inflammable and atmosphere protected plastic body is mounted in the industrial sites, directly on the pipelines and in the linear part of the pipelines. KIP LIDER is equipped with a switching device, gas leakage control device, shared protection station and other devices to improve its functions.
Test Stations PVEK and LIDER offered by EHZ-CENTER are multi-purpose products which can be used both as measuring devices with terminals and as unified intellectual and multi-functional products with modern attractive design.
Test Stations KIP PVEK commutate power and measurement circuits of electrochemical protection devices and control electrochemical protection parameters. KIP PVEK is a three- or four-edged atmosphere and fire resistant plastic post with information written on the outer surface of the post, some models of the post of KIP PVEK can be additionally equipped with Shared Protection Stations BSZ and mileposts PVEK-1, PVEK-2.
KIP PVEK with Shared Protection Station BSZ
Test Stations KIP PVEK with BSZ serve to manage the current in its value and flow direction at high dangerous mutual impact from the neighboring facilities, are used for electrochemical protection of the underground metallic constructions together with the cathodic protection station. They are also used to label the pipeline routes and other metallic underground facilities and utilities.
A guide price for KIP PVEK is from ₽ 12,250. Check the price and leave your request at 8-800-250-11-83 or send a request at
Строительство, монтаж и ввод в эксплуатацию всех видов средств электрохимической защиты. Специалисты двух мобильных бригад компании выполняют полный комплекс строительных, монтажных и пуско-наладочных работ. Сдача объектов электрохимической защиты в эксплуатацию, прокладка кабельных линий и устройство инженерных сетей под ключ.
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